To Rectify The Wrongs
The Second World War and what all took place during the war still breaks people’s heart. The reasons to kill people have not justified in any way. They were killed for being born the way they were born. Anything and everything related to this war still affect people and so this discovery was going to play a significant role too.
A Linkage
One of the most important reasons to try to know the truth behind the extermination site was the connection that one of the archaeologists had with the Holocaust. Yoram Kaimi, an Israelian Archaeologists was part of the excavation team and could never forget what the war has taken away from him. As a kid, he lost two of his uncles to these camps. This gave him a reason to look forward to these sites and the truth that they have been hiding from the world for too long.
Sentimental Values
The people who were not affected by the Holocaust can also understand the pain and agony that come to those who lost their loved ones to these camps. Knowing that any one of their family has been through any of it is enough to leave a person in misery. Now you can think of how important it became for Yoram.
Digging Up Items
When the excavation began it took several days before archaeologists started getting the evidence. This gives them a reason to proceed with their mission. The site hides a lot worse truth inside it. Throughout the camp, the research team was able to gather several items that told the story that remained untold since decades. One of those findings is a set of locks and keys.
Dark History Indeed
These locks and keys played somewhere a defining role in the extermination camp. These locks were the ones that held innocent prisoners inside dark cells. It kept people inside the cells in freezing winter. Over the period of time these became rusty and weak but at one point in time, it was the reason why millions of people lost their lives inside those camps.
Personal Belongings
When they dug in more, they got hold on to some personal belongings. In between all the items the team of Polish and Israeli archaeologists found this ring. It was possibly a ring of one of the victims as “Behold, you are consecrated onto me” was inscribed on it in Hebrew.