The Cruel Motive
These sites were working with a particular motive, an unfair inhumane purpose. All the jews and minorities were supposed to end their lives within the walls of these camps. Nobody was spared and given the same torture as others, despite their ages, gender. After all, as per the Nazis, these people were not good for society and they didn’t deserve to live.
The Extermination Sites
Out of all extermination camps within the boundaries of Poland, Sobibor became one of the extreme cases. At this camp, there were some pre-decided punishments for all the people who entered. The truth was that all the punishments lead to just one thing, ie, death.
A Recent Exposure
When these people were loaded into trains and sent to Sobibor, the terror of what will happen to them next was on every face. Death was given in painful and disheartening manner. Living in these camps was still more difficult, more painful, more torturing than death. No matter how painful the death is, it led to “the end”. The recent that we are here to discuss today is about the details about what went down in these camps and how the people were forced to die.
Least Expected
Archaeologists least expected it but the discoveries made at this location were much more than anyone could have imagined. When the archaeologists tried to build a connection between these discoveries and what had happened in these camps, the real picture started to appear.
Operation Reinhard
According to them, this camp was a part of Operation Reinhard. This secret operation started at the deadliest phase of the Holocaust. More than two million people lost their lives just because of this operation; killed under the legal process.
Particularly For Polish Jews
Operation Reinhard had a mission and its target were Polish Jews. What happened to the targets was quite clear. Each and every Polish Jew that was caught by Nazi Germany was sent to the extermination camp. The archaeologists now have evidence and can tell with surety what happened when they were taken to Sobibor.