Massive Hole Appears In Lake
The world is filled with mystery. But one of the most captivating enigmas is the Lake Berryessa hole. Last year, out of nowhere, a mysterious hole opened up on the lake’s surface. Nobody knew what it was, or where the water was going to. Until one man, Evan Kilkus found what no one else expected. He flew his drone over the sinking pit. And when he saw what was inside the hole, he was amazed.
Flying High
Evan Kilkus, better known by his YouTube name, Evan K, was a drone enthusiast. But on top of that, he was a pure adrenaline junkie. By day, Evan worked at Lake Berryessa at the boat and jet ski rental. But whenever he got a moment, he broke out the drone for an adventure. But one day, while flying, this pilot saw something odd. He noticed a massive hole over Lake Berryessa. And when he went to investigate, he quickly wished he hadn’t.