A Growing Boy

Our apologies to the homeowner, but this is simply adorable. It may not be the best (either in practicality or for the home’s resale value) way to measure a dog’s growing height, but it’s certainly the cutest.
Here Comes Peter Cottontail…

It’s somewhat disconcerting just how happy this dog looks to have eaten bunny poop. One would think he’d at least be somewhat regretful, if for no other reason than an upset stomach, but nope…

Despite how unbelievably cute this dog’s face is – and make no mistake, it is an adorable face – we still have to turn up our nose here. Stealing a little girl’s ice cream is some Mr. Burns level of evil, no matter how cute the pup is…

We’ve got to say, it seems unfair to out this pooch in the “Box of Shame” just because it threw up. Maybe it wasn’t feeling well, or maybe the owner fed it something that made it sick. we’re just saying, there’s likely something more to the story…

We hope the Pet Blessing went something like:
“Pee be with you, and also with you.”