Crash, Boom

While it’s admirable that this dog was allegedly trying to help, we’re a bit dubious of that claim. After all, how helpful could it possibly to rip off a while, full dishwasher drawer?
A Perfect Match

Well, if a dog is going to poop all over a book, what better book for them to poop all over than What’s Your Poor Telling You? It’s kind of a perfect… or a pawfect match.
Justice for Jose

Is this fair, or did Jose deserve to have his lunch stolen? It feels like we’ll never learn the truth. (Also, we have to note how this pet owner felt the need to specify that Jose was the painter, just in case someone walking through their home thought it was someone else?)
So Many Questions

This is one of those times where we desperately wish we could channel the powers of Dr. Doolittle – either Eddie Murphy or Robert Downey Jr. would suffice – and talk to animals. Seriously, we would love to ask 1. What the appeal of destroying shoes is? and of course 2. Why only the left ones? Alas…
Lick it Up

For starters, that’s a concerning amount of drool. Beyond that, instead of taking the time to make a sign, perhaps this pet owner should have instead focused on getting at least a towel – if not a custom seat cover – for their couch.
How Do You Like ‘Dem Apples?

They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but somehow we’d wager that chestnut doesn’t apply in a situation like this.