Something Strange
It was obtrusive that something was wrong with Michael Sellers, he spent the entire day sleeping on the X-mas eve of 2012, something he didn’t have in plans for his favorite holiday. The pain in his stomach was so severe that he decided to sleep it away. It was only after two weeks that he would find out the reason behind this strange phenomenon.
A Fatal Disease
In early 2013, Michael Sellers was diagnosed with a disease responsible for every 4th related Cancer death in the USA- pancreatic cancer. The reason behind the strange X-mas incident was a 4th stage pancreatic cancer. He was told by the doctors that he had only two weeks left to live and could extend it to a month by undergoing chemotherapy.
A Dreadful Loss
In the year 2013, life took an unexpected turn and her whole world came crashing around her. Bailey Sellers at the tender age of 16 lost her beloved father to a dreadful disease. It was a loss that no amount of time could heal. A best friend, an adorable father, and a mentor, Bailey had lost all three of them in a single person, in a single moment.
Denying Medical Attention
Micahel’s days were limited, he was told by the doctors that he would live for almost 30 days, given, if he opts for chemotherapy. Michael chose not to undergo treatment and went on to live for another 6 months. At last, Michael Sellers fell into a coma, only 2 weeks before losing his life to cancer on 25th August 2013, just 3 months short of Bailey’s 17th birthday.
Final Days
Bailey was a high school student when Michael was diagnosed with cancer. All of her siblings had moved out and no longer lived with them. Bailey decided to homeschool herself to take better care of her dad and to be there by his side in his final days. Michael spent most of his time with his daughter in his finals days.
A Day In Life
Bailey homeschooled herself that allowed her mother, Kristi to work and manage the expenses of the family. A day in Bailey’s life included cooking meals for her dad, driving him from home to the stores, getting medicines, staying up as late as 11 pm, making sure to help her dad in meeting up his day-to-day requirements.