Hottest Policewoman

Adrienne has always been quite transparent with her followers. Being aware of the fact that she is a policewoman, her followers gave her the title of “the hottest policewoman”. Adrienne found the title flattering but unfortunately, her opinion was not shared by all.

Adrienne’s posts were received with an abundance of love and admiration from her followers. Except for a few people, who were not happy about her pictures. As an officer, they believed Adrienne should realize that she represents the German police. And her posting photographs of herself in swimsuits take a blow at the German police’s reputation.
Don’t Mind The Haters

Despite the hate comments, Adrienne would never let her spirits get down. She didn’t believe it was true, that she was ruining the German police’s reputation. So she never took any of those comments personally and enjoyed her job as an officer. And she loved her little Instagram community where she could promote wellness and health.
Chance To Travel

Around mid-July of 2018, Adrienne got a chance to go backpacking across Europe for six months. She saw it as an amazing opportunity to explore different cultures and also create some amazing content for her page. Her best friend, who is a photographer, was going to accompany her for the purpose of capturing this journey.
Unpaid Leave

As far as work goes, Adrienne got a 6 months unpaid leave from work to complete her expedition. This cooperation and kindness came as a bit of a surprise for her because she didn’t expect anyone to understand why she wants to travel for six months continuously. She was afraid she might have to leave her job to go on this trip but to her relief, it didn’t come to that.
Commencing The Journey

Once they had planned their destinations and were done with the arrangements, it was time to hit the road! The duo planned on commencing their journey with Berlin, followed by Prague, Amsterdam, Paris, Norway, Budapest, and ending with Finland.