Paying Some Visits
The fox was now free, again, the island was his home now. The crew was really happy to save the poor fox and Mallory tells that they, “can still see him from time to time” because this fox visits several other old dog houses that are there in William’s Harbour.
A New Home
It seems that Fox liked the doghouses in that area. He could often be seen sleeping there. But the best part is that he visits his rescuers, not on a regular basis but yeah when he gets time. Just because he is an animal, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t feel things. The fox might be grateful of this trio who saved him from the unfortunate fate. Mallory even joked about the rescue saying, “the real hero here was the Vienna sausages.”
A Happy Story
Mallory uploaded the post on social media and the world went crazy after hearing this story. Soon, this story was viral and everybody was talking about the fox and his rescuers. People were happy to find out that the fox was rescued and was now spending his nights in the doghouses. But people were more happy to read about Mallory, Cliff, and Alan. This is what they had to say…
The World Out There
“It’s so nice to see there are still compassionate and caring people in the world, many thanks to the crew of this fishing boat,” someone commented on the post of Mallory. Their act of bravery and kindness saved the fox and gave him a new life.
A New Life
The wait was long and it took them a very long time before they saved the fox but everything went well in the end and they saved the poor fox. We are sure that this little fox won’t forget the three. Mallory, Cliff, and Alan have again proved that there is still good left in the world. Humanity is still there in people’s heart and example like these makes us feel proud.