Stuck On The Iceberg
“It had probably got stuck out there looking for a meal,” said Mallory. She added saying, “Cliff says he thinks he got out there to check out a bit of meat on the ice and it broke apart, sending him out to sea.” This poor fox was left alone on the iceberg from where he had no way to move out. Aware of the environment he didn’t jump in the sea because knew that the water is cold and filled with sharks and whales. The fox stayed there and thanks to the trio which rescued him. But the rescue wasn’t easy. Let’s see why?
How To Catch A Fox?
The fox was just looking for his food which left him all alone in the middle of the sea with seagulls waiting for him to die so that they could have a feast. But the fox stayed strong and eventually was rescued by Mallory, Cliff, and Alan. When the crew approached the fox who was already terrified of everything and you just can’t expect a fox to be friendly as a dog. The fox made the rescue mission difficult for the crew.
A Complicated Rescue Mission
Mallory told everything about the rescue. How did they lure the fox to sit in the Northern Swan their vessel, which could beat up the hard tides of the sea? Mallory was very happy to see that Fox has some really interesting survival instinct in him. By looking at the location of the iceberg from the shore which was really far away they could tell that fox has been on the iceberg for more than a couple of days. But still, he managed to survive.
It Was A Long Chase…
“He was trying to run away from us at first we had a really hard time getting him aboard,” stated Mallory. But they had no other choice except to break the ice on which the fox was. But then this fox did something unbelievable.
The Fox Was Finally Safe
“He fought and fought to get away until he literally couldn’t move anymore,” said Mallory. When there was no energy left in the fox, he stayed in one place and they finally placed the poor fox in the box with the help of dipnet. It was Cliff, Alan’s son who got the fox with the dip net. Then they did something really special for the fox they made a bed for him to rest.
Getting Some Rest
The crew made a bed for the fox so that he could stay warm and rest from all the exhaustion. They wanted him to recover and gave him his time and their love. “we scooped him up and he retreated to the corner. He was too weak to do anything when we brought him aboard, he slept most of the way!” said Mallory.