Some Very Thick Haired Babies

Having a baby with a full set of hair is not that rare but it does come quite surprising for expecting parents. Look at the thickness of this baby’s hair. Some babies are even born with full sets of teeth. Unbelievable? Check this out…
Some Babies Are Born With Teeth

Around 2,000 to 3,000 of the babies born have two teeth they are born with. Alyssa Bailey was a newborn who had two teeth that she developed at birth. Just look at how lovable she still is!
Some Final Thoughts

Some babies scare doctors because of their unnatural state at birth. These white haired babies are fortunately the cutest little things that you just want to hug and kiss.
Some Other Theories Were Also Voiced

Most babies with white hair are considered as platinum blond babies or towheads. A towhead is described as someone with very clear blond hair.
Some Of The Mothers’ Thoughts

Mothers have talked about their platinum babies on websites where one says, “Everyone seems to act as though my little blondie is one of the rarest things they’ve ever seen. We can’t take him anywhere without everyone fawning over him…to the point of where if we want to do an errand, the best thing to do is put a hat on him.”
Is This A Rare Condition?

What if Bence is just another platinum blond baby who does not have grey hair? A mother commented, “My brother was born so blond he looked bald! My friend’s twins are the same, their hair is white blond.”