Batkid Begins

batkid batman ama daetz san franciscoEventually came the morning of the most awaited day. It began with Nick and Natalie watching a pre-recorded DVD for Miles. The TV had Ama, the news lady on it, Miles recognized her in one glance but she was saying something! Her tone was weird and she was saying that the police chief wanted to share an important message.


Greg Suhr clarified that he was looking for Batman and for that he needed Batkid’s help. He also mentioned a “damsel in distress.” He requested if anyone could come forward and help her out. That brought the end of the video. Miles was watching that with awe and it was then someone knocked at his hotel door.

Springing To Action

batmobile batman batkidThe door opened on the face of Batman! He asked him for help and Batkid leaped into his costume at once. Batman asked Batkid whether he practiced acrobat or not, to which he confidently replied in positive. At that moment, Miles did not know that the man behind the mask was EJ. Thereafter, both the superheroes clattered down the stairs only to see a spectacular scene. The road had amassed thousands of people. The sky was filled with News helicopters flying around over Union Square. On the other side, the Batmobile was roaring from the inside of the hotel’s loading dock. Both the Batman and Batkid jumped into the Batmobile and rushed to save the damsel in distress.

Saving The Damsel In Distress

sue damsel in distress ej eric johnston batman batkid san franciscoBatman and Batkid reached damsel in distress by following the directions given by police chief. The lady was bound to a cable car track next to the bomb planted by Riddler. The cable car was moving fast towards her from the other side. They had very little time in hand, so without wasting any, they began untying her. The two finally rescued the lady. The lady embraced and thanked the Batkid. Not to forget the lady in the costume of the damsel in distress was none other than the eminent actress Sue.     

Another Mission Awaits

batkid batman miles scott san franciscoBatman and Batkid had successfully completed their first challenge. The crowd standing on the side were cheering for them when another challenge came their way. The police chief through a video message informed the duo that Riddler was running amok in a bank some miles ago than them. The pair ran towards the evil in their Batmobile.

Hampering The Heist

riddler capture batkid batman san francisco miles scott bankThe two got into the bank. Batkid had never seen a real-life villain before. Notwithstanding that he was all set to take on the challenge. Batkid tapped a button and trapped Riddler in a vault. This way, Batkid had his first bad guy. The police chief was extremely happy at little Batkid’s big achievement and suggested both of them to go on a lunch. But there was another hurdle waiting for them.