Source Of Iron
The researchers were able to find out its internal integrated properties that told them that this meteorite was made of 84% of iron. This was the first time they were able to find an only source of natural iron which was known to man. And there was more to this meteorite that baffled the world even more. Did you know that Hoba meteorite is so rare that only 5% of the meteorites that enter the surface have the same composition as others?
Something Special
“I could tell right away that this was something special,” she said. “It’s the most valuable specimen I have ever held in my life, monetarily and scientifically,” said University Geology Professor Mona Sirbescu. Scientists believe that the meteorite is between 190 and 410 million years old. They became sure after they discovered the rare radioactive nickel isotope inside the meteorite.
Back Story
“The story goes that it was collected immediately after they witnessed the big boom and the actual meteorite was dug out from a crater,” Mona said. “What typically happens with these at this point is that meteorites can either be sold and shown in a museum or sold to collectors and sellers looking to make a profit,” she added further.
Present Times
A sample was also sent to John Wasson, an experienced professor in the Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles. John is considered as the “guru of iron meteorites” and will perform a new experiment on the meteorite that includes a neutron-activation analysis that will tell the meteorites’ chemical composition in detail. This could tell what is the actual worth of the meteorite.
In The Museum
Today, the site of the Hoba has become a tourist destination and the town of Grootfontein is also known as “Hoba West” after the meteorite was discovered in the Hoba farm. The Namibian government caught the wind and declared the site to be a national monument. Tourists from all over the world visit the place to see this amazing meteorite that shocked the world after it was discovered. You’ll be surprised to see know the worth of this meteorite.
Expensive Meteorite
J. Engelbrecht who owned the farm where this meteorite was discovered donated the meteorite in 1987. According to the statement from CMU, the Hoba Meteorite is the sixth largest meteorite found in Michigan which was worth $100,000. Such an expensive find doesn’t happen every day. Fortunately, this farmer was smart enough to notify the authorities otherwise the meteorite would have been used as a doorstop.