On Her Phone
So where were they from? Well, Jessica Rodriguez Fatigatti is from Spain. She has a home in Spain that is dedicated to taking care of cats and rabbits, even other animals stay there too. She had been keeping a close watch on her rabbit and when she saw that he went in for the rescue, she took out her phone right away. She recorded the rabbit who was digging furiously.
Incredible Rabbit
And so as Jessica was just in her home watching her pets, her attention was caught by Chasky who was digging the bole right next to the metal sheet. She was so shocked to see the rabbit’s behavior and wanted to document it immediately. “When I saw that Chasky began to dig, I fished out my cell to show my husband that the rabbit was making the hole,” she revealed.
What Exactly Did She See?
So since the day was just as uneventful for Jessica as it was for Chasky the rabbit, she was shocked to see him get into action so quickly. She later explained what happened in an interview about the happening of that day, “At that time I saw one of the cat’s legs. I was surprised that my rabbit was not digging a hole for pleasure, was just doing it get a friend.”
Digging Quickly
And as we all know, rabbits usually live in burrows. They usually find a favorable spot where they dig holes to live in or slumber in. We already know how much bunnies love to dig for pleasure. You can always see one rabbit or the other, digging up a hole if you go to the park. However, as for Chasky, since he was on a mission, it was a little different.
Another Advantage
So Chasky tried hard to make sure he did whatever he could to help save his cat friend who could not save herself after being trapped under the metal sheep. The cute rabbit’s goal was to make a hole that would be big enough for the cat to slip through to freedom. There was yet another advantage that this cat had too. We all know that cats can flatten themselves, right? This helped.
Out Of The Wall!
And after the rabbit did whatever he could to dig deep so as to get his cat friend out of trouble, his efforts started paying off little by little. And pretty soon, the cat’s tiny white head started to appear from the hole. Being stuck in that position must have been so suffocating. And Pelu was certainly glad to get a little some breathing space, all thanks to Chasky.