Inspiring The Community
By now the story had gone viral all across America. Whoever heard about his story could not help but admire Officer Hawkins-Graham for being such an inspiring figure. Not all bother to protect tiny or voiceless creature. Her department would always be thankful to her as her action has uplifted the reputation of her department.
Start A Chain Reaction
The Officer Hawkins-Graham and the family has given inspiration to the world by their selfless act. The story no doubt moved many hearts but how many people got inspiration from it? Honora Hammett explained, “I hope more people will take these little acts and let it become a chain reaction.”
Celebrating Good Police Officers
It is a great relief seeing stories as good as this in today’s time when the newspapers and channels are full of negative and sad stories. Especially if the story involves a police officer who goes out of her way to protect a small creature.
Not Just For Humans
This is true that the police officers are sworn to serve the people of their community and most of them obey their duty in full faith. But how many of them go to an extra mile to help an animal? Well, very few cares to care and Hawkins-Graham is one of them.
Animal Protection Police Officer?
Did you know that in some countries people can become an Animal Protection Police Officer? The officers of this type help in a number of encounters between animals and humans. They protect animals in their best capability. At the same time, they serve to protect humans as well.
Protecting And Serving Animals
Brutalities against animals is not an uncommon phenomenon. There have been many cases when humans vent their frustration or anger out on voiceless and helpless animals. However, there is also some hear touching cases of animals rescued by people. Police with additional sources can help in a more efficient way.