
Honor had no words to thank the officers. The little kiddo would have never expected that he would ever get to celebrate his birthday with a dozen police officers. The day turned out to be roller coaster ride for him, from no celebrations at all to such an awesome day.


Honor’s parents were touched with the generosity the police officers showed that day. For them, the celebration turned out to be an emotional one. They were feeling guilty of not being able to fulfill their son’s desire to party due to the circumstances but the officers had made everything possible and that too with such beauty.


What touched the family the most was the fact that the officers could understand how difficult a situation like that of in a natural calamity is for children. Being young, they are not able to understand what is it being displaced from their house and when someone in authority does something this special it becomes priceless.

Day To Remember

Even if Honor did not get to have a grand celebration on his birthday, this day was different in every sense that he would remember it all his life. On his every birthday that will follow, he surely will recall how his fifth birthday was celebrated with the police officers.

Their Best

In the summer of 2017, Texas faced a deadly situation. Undoubtedly, the damage caused by the Harvey Hurricane was so enormous that it took nearly months for the people and authorities to rehabilitate the city. Amongst the thousands dislocated and dead, there were people who fought all the odds of nature and survived.

Hope And Pray

After a dark cloudy night, there’s always a next day which witnesses a ray of bright sunshine. The entire world prays for the people and families, the residents of Texas and hope they all do good once the mother nature calms. Amongst the chaos, a story like this of Honor makes people believe that even in the worst scenarios, life could be lived best.