Kiss Goodbye

In 1963, American soldiers bid farewell to their loved ones before heading to Egypt. At that time, there was a war called the North Yemen Civil War happening in North Yemen from 1962 to 1970. On one side, Jordan and Saudi Arabia helped the royalists, and Britain secretly supported them. On the other side, Egypt supported the republicans, and they got warplanes from the Soviet Union.
A Giant Harmonica

The harmonica is super old, dating back thousands of years in China, making it one of the world’s oldest instruments. But guess what? It didn’t show up in the United States until the early 1800s! When it did, people loved it. It was simple to make, not pricey, and small (usually). Learning to play was a breeze, so folk and blues musicians really took a liking to it.
Designing Disneyland

Disney had big dreams. He wanted to create a fun place for both kids and grown-ups to enjoy together, and he worked on this idea for a long time. He got ideas from all sorts of places like playgrounds, world exhibitions, and Henry Ford’s history museum. On opening day, only half of the 30,000 visitors had real tickets; the rest sneaked in with fakes!
Polluted Skies

In 1969, New York was super polluted, but something important was about to happen. People started worrying about how we were harming the environment in the late 1950s and ’60s. A book called “Silent Spring” by Rachel Carson in 1962 told everyone about how pesticides were hurting nature. That got folks fired up, and they formed groups to protect the environment. Then, in December 1970, the government created the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to help keep our world clean.
Screen Time” of the ‘70s

Look at this photo from the ’70s, showing college students in their female dorms. It’s like a trip back in time when there were no cell phones or personal computers. Today’s college crowd might not even recognize a pay-phone, let alone imagine sharing one phone with the entire floor and having limited talk time. Times sure have changed!
Wright Brothers’ First Flight

Picture this: On December 17, 1903, something amazing took place – the first airplane flight! It lasted just 12 seconds, but they quickly beat their own record with a 59-second flight on the same day. What made this possible was their clever invention of something called “three-axis control.” It helped the pilot steer the plane and keep it steady. That day changed the future of travel forever!