Sandy couldn’t believe what she just heard and from there on, she started searching about this odor issue of her. That’s when she started expensive research about this unknown disorder. She visited many doctors and skin experts but none of them was able to figure out the exact issue.
It cost Sandy $27,000 only to diagnose her condition. However, she too couldn’t find any success in it. Sandy too gave up on it until one day when her dentist suggested her the right specialist who could be of great help to her.
Useless Google
Just like Camilla, Sandy too spent nights searching about this issue on the internet but she couldn’t find any relevant piece of information. It was strange that she was ready to all she had to get rid of the smell but she couldn’t find the right way to get it done.
The Dentist’s Suggestion
When Camilla went to the dentist for a regular checkup, the specialist suggested her to meet Dr. George Preti, a practitioner at Philadelphia’s Monell Chemical Senses Institute. The dentist was quite confident that Dr. Preti will be able to help Sandy and she too hoped the same.
Dr. Preti
In 2006, Sandy met Dr. Camilla, who specialized in rare genetic disorders, including TMAU (Trimethylaminuria). That’s what Sandy was diagnosed with. This disease is so rare that till 2006 there were only 600 reported cases of this disease. It was now clear why there was no information about this condition on the internet.
Wishing To Meet Sandy

After reading Sandy’s story, Camilla finally knew the name of the disease she was suffering from past many years. The long lost ray of hope finally made a way in her life. She was wondering if there was anything at all she could do to meet this woman who became the reason to bring back the light in her life.