What Lies Ahead?
Camilla couldn’t even think of facing the world with the rotten fish smell, dreaming of a successful career and having a family completely seemed out of her hands. Watching herself become the odd one out she never wanted to become, broke her heart. She didn’t know what options she had and if there was any way at all to fix it.
Ruining Her Life

Camilla avoided going outside. She quit her job and took a job where she could work from home. At least she had some professional life left but her personal life was completely ruined. Gradually, the smell was getting stronger and she was getting used to it.
Personal Hygiene Issues

Camilla’s diet was not much different than any ordinary person nor it was related to any personal hygiene issues. Initially, there was no ray of hope in her life other than learning to live with the smell. After some years, she found someone who was just like her and life wasn’t easy for this person either.
Old Experience

Staying back at home and thinking of all the signs that people indirectly gave her about the bad odor was all she did for the next few years. She could remember that this odor was with her from a really long time.
First Job
Camilla remembered her first job, and how her manager always sent her in the pain room and asked her to work there only. He always assigned her work while standing outside the room, maintaining enough distance.
Making Her Feel Vulnerable
She recalled in an interview about her first job as a teller in a credit union, she told, “My supervisor would come by and spray my area with perfume, Lysol, and they put me in the drive-through section, which is separate from the rest of the teller area.”