Almost There
Zach continuously drove all day and night to reach Kansas as early as possible. Now even he was getting impatient and couldn’t wait to see Ikea’s reaction when she would reunite with her missing dog. More than Zach there was someone else eagerly waiting for Zimba’s return. It was none other than Ikea herself.
The Much-Awaited

The moment was finally there. After a long period of nearing three months, Zimba, at last, arrived at his home. His story already became so popular that many local news stations like KWCH along with other media crowded Ikea’s house. No one wanted to miss this special reunion. The reunion of a dog with his mother.
Tears Of Joy

As Zach took Zimba through the lush green lawns of Ikea’s house, she came down running. The moment she saw Zimba, she bent down on her knees with her arms wide open to embrace her loving son. Even Zimba started wagging his tail out of affection. It was an emotional reunion for the duo.
Thanking Zach
Any amount of thanks that Ikea offered to Zach wasn’t enough. What Zach did for her and Zimba was beyond words. This family owes their togetherness to a strange man who drove all the way, just to reunite two souls. Ikea tells the media that “I told Zach I’m very blessed to have him in my life, It is his efforts only that today Zimba and I could see this bright day in our lives”.
CCHS Spreads A Message
CCHS then did their last bid. They not only posted pictures from the emotional reunion of Zimba and Ikea, but they also shared a meaningful message. They tell the masses the importance of microchipping their pets. Just because Ikea had microchipped Zimba, she could get him back. Entire Kansas and Maryland was proud of Zach and wished a happy life for Zimba.