A MicroChip
While treating Zimba, the volunteers at CCHS found a microchip on his collar. Though after seeing a dog collar around Zimba’s neck they were sure that he wasn’t any stray dog, this microchip helped them find about his belongings. They started scanning the microchip and were shocked at the revelation.
The Impossible
On realizing that the dog was from Kansas, the volunteers were left baffled. They were not able to understand how a dog that belonged to a land that was situated some thousand miles away ended up in Maryland. It was almost impossible for a dog to walk up till here. The volunteers knew there’s much more to Zimba now.
Contacting Ikea
After fetching some more information from the microchip, the volunteers came to know about Ikea Mosley. They contacted her in Kansas. Ikea couldn’t believe that her ex-boyfriend had actually left her poor pup wandering in a foreign land for almost two weeks. Ikea narrates her entire story to them. Soon only a question surrounded them, “How will Zimba travel back to Kansas”?
Sigh Of Relief
Ikea and her kids shared a sigh of relief after hearing from CCHS volunteers. It was almost after some three months that they got to hear about the well-being of their beloved Zimba. Ikea even after trying, could not get some leaves from her office and thus could not travel to Maryland to get Zimba back. Will the family be able to reunite with their pooch?
Help Please
Ikea asked CChs to help her with the situation. She couldn’t wait to get her pooch back. Though CCHS tried their best to help her, no solution could be seen. They asked airlines to provide them with a reduced ticket but that was not possible. It was then, Zach Holt came to everyone’s rescue.
Zach At Rescue
Zach was an ex-worker at CCHS. He, later on, gave up that job and started working at a bar as a bartender. He, however, is a pet lover and is always ready to help in times of need. As his girlfriend was a working member at CCHS, he came to know about Zimba and his situation.