Excited Lad
Maryland situated in the mid-Atlantic region of United States is known for its oceans and beaches. It is one of the best places to embark on a road trip. Zimba just hops on the back seat of the car and makes himself cozy. No one knew that a trip which started off on such a good note would end up in such a mess.
The Break-Up
To know about her boyfriend’s and Zimba’s whereabouts on reaching Maryland, Ikea calls her beau. For some unknown reason, the couple ended up in a terrible fight which leads to the eventual break-up of the relationship. After sobbing for hours, Ikea dozed off. She was now just waiting for the duo to return. She can’t wait to hug Zimba in this tough phase of life.
A Revenge
In order to take revenge from her alleged girlfriend, Ikea’s beau decides to do something with her dog. Even for a second, the guy did not show any love towards the dog who treats him like his Dad. A mere break up took all the emotions that he had for Zimba. Zimba was surely in unsafe hands. What did the man do to Zimba?
Cause Of Worry
When a week passed by and Zimba did not return, Ikea calls her boyfriend who dumped her over a telephonic conversation. Strangely, he did not pick up the call. Ikea dialed the number on a repeated mode but there was no response. Ikea did not realize that the man she was trusting with her life wasn’t a reliable one and had an altogether different agenda now.
“The number you are trying to reach is currently unavailable. Please try again later.” This automated message was freaking the hell out of Ikea for an infinite time in the span of last three days. Ikea had no clues where her beau was and most importantly where her dear Zimba is. She started to panic and all sort of strange and weird thoughts occupied her mind.
Where Are You
Just like any other mother would be, Ikea was frightened. She wasn’t aware where her little son was. Nights passed by but she couldn’t sleep. Even in her wildest nightmare, she did not dream that the man she blindly had faith on, would elope with her dog. The mother broke into tears and didn’t know what to do.