Dedicated Patriot

Another interesting fact about this soldier cum janitor is that he hardly donned his Medal of Honor during his military career as he considered himself undeserving of that. Perhaps, his humbleness knew no bound, that is why he took up the job of a janitor without qualms. Can you imagine a man having so many achievements under its belt doing this? In fact, this war hero did its work as a janitor as perfectly as he did as a soldier. The not anticipated story of this ordinary looking janitor reached every nook and cranny of the Academy. This revelation completely changed people’s behavior toward them. Highly impressed by his bravery, the cadets began interacting more with him. However, only destiny knew where these interactions were going to take them.
Change In Attitude
As mentioned earlier, the story of “janitor” spread like a wildfire in the academy. The cadets who once ignored him begun to talk to him and listen to his story of bravery. Crawford’s behavior also changed after the revelation. He looked more confident and would reply to cadet’s “good morning” in a stronger tone and would always have that crooked smile on his face. Now, Bill used to call cadets by their first name that was not usual in the academy. He influenced the cadets greatly. Moschet writes in his essay “While no one ever formally acknowledged the change, I think we became Bill’s cadets and his squadron.”
No Expectations

In response to cadets affection towards him, Crawford also began to open up to them. Once an almost neglected janitor now had become one of the prominent members of the academy. He started attending more squadron functions in is unflashy dark suits. No doubt, he had become a new friend to all the cadets. Once while interacting with his young friends Crawford mentioned his regret for not being able to personally receive the Medal of Honor from the president as he was considered dead. is unfulfilled desire had been haunting him from the time he knew he has received the award but now there was nothing that could be done about it. Or, was there something that could be done?
Special Surprise

Crawford was invited to the Air Force Academy’s graduation day of the year 1984, as a guest. He went to the ceremony not knowing what was he going to witness today. Thousands of people had come to Colorado Springs Falcon Stadium only to see the commencement festivities of this historical ceremony. The day was going to be very memorable for the 66-year-old janitor. This is true that he had been given the awards and honors for his valor but this is true that something was still not there. The ceremony was going to fulfill that lacking of janitor’s life.
Long Overdue Recognition

The stadium was full of general, cadets, staff and their kids, alumni and President Ronald Regan. It was a historical moment as the commander in chief while delivering his speech mentioned Crawford’s incredible leadership, humility, and respect. Those who already knew and those who came to know about him that day only looked towards the janitor who had been called an inspiration for the future generation leaders. The President also admired him for being a soldier who had gone “above and beyond the call of duty.” Now the time was near when the Crawford was going to experience probably the best moment of his life.
Endearing Acknowledgment

The President ended his speech with a surprising note. He said, “Now, there’s something I want to do that means a lot to me and, I’m sure, will mean a lot to you.” Then the president went on to stress on the efforts made by Crawford in World War II. He asserted on Crawford’s service in Europe followed by his imprisonment.