Henges are basically classified into three classes. Class I henges have a single entrance. Class II henges have two entrances which are placed opposite to each other and Class III henges have four entrances that face each other in pairs. But this newfound henge was different. And that was the reason it caught historians’ attention.
Interesting Placement
The historians couldn’t ignore the way the henge was placed. It was placed in such a way that there was no way someone from the ground would ever spot it and the only way to see it was from the sky. Fortunately, we have drones today that comes handy during such times. The drones are able to spot thing which we humans aren’t able to.
Odd Ditch Sections
Can you see those gaps between the ditches and how they are placed? You can see how accurately the ditches were placed separated to each other. But the most interesting part about the henge was instead of one large ditch, this newly discovered ancient henge had odd double ditch sections.
Odd Positioning
But what was the reason behind the odd double ditch sections? The historians wanted to know the reason behind their odd placement. All the other henges that have been found on Earth are still a mystery to the historians as they haven’t been able to find the answer behind their purpose. But the historians knew about the purpose of the henge which was found because of the drought.
Farming Field
After studying the ditches and the structure of the henge the scientists were sure that this particular ancient henge wasn’t used for the protection but for the farming during the Stone Age. The ditches were used to irrigate the fields. These ditches soaked the moisture which helped the crops during the drought season. It was a method which gave the crop the required moisture to grow.
Dry Weather Conditions
Who would have thought the dry conditions in which the farmers were struggling would help the historians to help the farmers. The farmers could use the same technique which was used by the ancient people in the past for their crops when they experienced drought in their times. Though the drought wouldn’t have been on the same scale which people experience today, still, this would help them in some ways.