Finding Parents
Katie had another work to do, that is, to find Grayson’s birth parents. She had to make sure that he had no one to look after. If that would be the case, he would be eligible for the further adoption process. She tried finding Grayson’s parents as much as could but all her attempts were in vain.
No Response
She tried posting ads in newspapers and talking to the hospital staff, but no one came ahead with any information. Katie rejoiced from inside as she could keep Grayson forever. After 11 months of that hunt, Grayson’s responsibility was officially given to Katie.
Second Call
It was just after a few months of adoption that Katie received one more call from the same hospital. She went pale and grew insecure if somebody asked her to return the child. She could barely say hello, but when she did, she got an unexpected response.
As she received the call, from the other side of the call spoke her caseworker. She told her that there was a four-day-old baby girl with drug exposure similar to that of Grayson. The baby had no one beside and needed to be placed with a foster parent, therefore, Katie was the first name that struck to the caseworker.
It’s A Yes
The baby girl’s case was similar to Grayson’s so without having a second thought, she said yes to the caseworker and the same day, she reached the hospital to meet the little princess. She named the baby girl Hannah and started signing in the required documents.
Filling In The Gaps
Katie, while having a look at Hannah’s medical records, discovered that she had the same level of drug exposure as Grayson and also demonstrated equaling conditions. This made Katie suspect a connection between the two reports. To obtain a clarification on the same, she checked the bracelet of the baby girl. Not to her surprise, the name on the bracelets matched.