More Than That
Katie was sure that someday or the other she had to let go of the kids she raised and took care of. She wanted to have a permanent connection to the kids and wanted to be called a mother for the rest of her life. So, she planned to adopt a kid legally because she wanted to be a permanent guardian.
She, by all means, wanted to be a mother and adopt a child so she disclosed her desire to adopt one. Katie made no efforts on her own to satisfy her desires yet, she was stern to adopt a kid. Her family and friends appreciated her thoughts and encouraged her to do so.
The Call
Katie received a call from her caseworker about a baby boy who had been abandoned at the hospital. As the boy had no family, he was likely to be a foster-to-adopt situation. She immediately took interest in the matter and asked for more information regarding the same.
Drug Exposer
She was later informed that the baby had drug exposure. Luckily the child got through it and didn’t show any signs of withdrawal. The child was ready to discharge on the very next day. Since no one was there to look after the child, the child was set up for a foster-to-adopt situation.
Katie made the decision there and then and told her caseworker that she wanted to adopt the baby. She had four babies to look after already but she wanted to adopt one more so that she could take the baby throughout the lifetime. The surety of adoption was not there as firstly, the baby had to be under the foster caretaking.
Naming The Boy
Keeping other tasks aligned, Katie rushed the very next day to the hospital to pick up the newborn baby. As he was abandoned by his biological mother in the hospital, he was all nameless. Katie picked the boy up in her arms and named him Grayson.