One day, while scrolling through various posts, she got a flashback of her teenage days. She recalled the old times when she used to be carefree and bold to face the atrocities of life. She used to be the life of the party. Many girls used to envy her because she was liked by many men secretly which made ladies of her age insecure about their beauty.
Not The Same
Comparing her old days with the present, she concluded that she was not living her life to the fullest. She blogged, “I remember looking in the mirror one day and sobbing at the woman I saw, and I knew I was not the woman my heart desired to be.”
A New Start
From the day she compared herself to the old her, she promised to herself that she would not be living wrapping around the blanket of emptiness. Rather, she would wholeheartedly devote her time to herself and bring out the best in her.
A New House
Fulfilling her promise, she was being nice to her life. She was on the way to fulfill her dreams which included a house of her own. She bought a new house with 4 bedrooms and continued working at her workplace with new enthusiasm and confidence.
On Track
Her life got back on track from the very moment she decided to be herself. Keeping aside her worries, she headed on to have a good life with all the happiness she could create herself. The only role that she could not play in her life was of a mother and she felt dejected imagining this.
She Could!
Katie, though was out of wedlock, wanted to be responsible in any way or the other. She then thought of adopting a child. For her, having a child was important. She did not distinguish between a biological and an adopted child. She could be a mother and that was all she was concerned with.