Full Head Of Hair

family photo outside

When his children grew a bit older, Travis kept a full hair look shorter than the usual though. As a trademark, he still kept his beards long. He might have grown back the beard but this time it looked much more attended and tidier. One of the reasons being he didn’t want any of his kids pulling on that facial hair.

Mohawk’ It Out

travis with mohawk

Travis was always open to experiments. As his hair grew longer he decided to try something new yet again. It was all for fun. He chose a flashy mohawk and it surely made him look a lot younger but it didn’t last long as it needed a lot of attention and efforts to maintain a mohawk.

Successful Business

banner on brick wall

Travis might not have been able to maintain his new look but he was surely maintaining a soaring business franchise. In the past couple of years, his brewery had expanded tremendously and he was even successful in setting up a new location.

He with his team now hosts festivals and events and people love his product. Travis loves his job and that has proved to be a boon for him.

A Trademark Look

travis with long beard and sons

Travis might have looked like a gentleman without the beard but his big bushy facial hair has now become a trademark. A similar look was adopted as one of Scofflaw Brewing’s symbol. A crazy scientist dressed in goggles and a white long robe and not to miss his long beard.

This look suited him and he carried it with sheer confidence.

Out Of Shape

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Kyan, while he was busy transforming Travis had given him several style tips but Travis doesn’t seem to remember even one of them. A recent picture posted by him shows how out of shape he has gotten. Fashion was never Travis’s cup of tea. We hope he’s able to maintain his health if not his beard.

Family First

Connie was disappointed when she learned that Travis decided to grow back his beard but there are things that are more important than how someone looks. Travis is a family man. He is a wonderful father and a caring husband and that is what matters to his wife the most.

Apart from the beard, Connie has nothing to complain about when it comes to Travis because she has found a perfect soulmate in him.