Happiness Personified

Connie couldn’t hide her joy. She was so happy to see Travis exactly how she saw him before marriage. She felt as if she was falling in love with him all over again. Connie loved the new breadless look and the clothes that he had put on. Everything seemed perfect for her. She couldn’t stop tears from rolling down her cheeks. Nothing could have been a better surprise.

Time To Face The Public

Everything that went on that night was clearly recorded by the camera and sound crew. The video soon took over the internet and became a viral hit. The couple was invited to appear on the Rachael Ray Show. Upon being asked how she felt about the transformation, Connie candidly said that she had lost all hopes that she would ever see her husband’s face again but this surprise was wonderful and she was almost in tears.

Thank You

Connie told that she had missed this face for so long and wanted to see that smile again. She thanked the stylists, Ryan and Patricia for the hard work that they put into her husband’s transformation. This show was again a hit one. Connie also remembered that when she first met Travis, he couldn’t even grow a beard.

Reality Sets In

Travis with long beard and long hair

Travis was also fascinated with his new look but felt that it would need a lot more maintenance than his bushy beard look. It was too much for Travis to stick to. Just after a year since the transformation, he posted another picture on a social media handle in which he was back to being the old Travis with the beard back on his face.

Letting It Go Long

Image result for \ long beard

After his first makeover, Travis went through several changes in his looks. Of course, Connie did not like any as much as the clean-shaven look but she couldn’t help it. Here, Travis can be seen with his face and a head full of unruly hair and beard. We’re not judging but he could surely use a comb in here.

That Flow Though

family photo in fall

We are sure Connie had to go through a lot to convince her husband to choose this look for the family photograph. He looks much cleaner here. Though the beard and hair are still there, the comb here has done its job. The photo shoot went well and the brewmaster looked good even with a fuzz of hair on his face.