Their relationship had a long run and all they could dream about was a wonderful life together. When you love somebody, you try to impress them in every single way you can. You try to look perfect. You carry a grace that you hope your partner would notice. For some people that becomes a lifetime phenomenon but for people like Travis, all that remains important is the journey that you want to live with and for your family.
Connie is Travis’s wife and loves her dear husband with everything she has but the one thing that stings her after all these years of marriage is that Travis no longer cared about his looks. He has grown his beard long and despite Connie telling him several times to trim it down or to maintain it, looks like Travis is least interested. Connie has grown somewhat frustrated by this ignorance of her husband.
Will this make the road difficult for the couple or does Travis has in place a surprise planned for his lovely partner?
A Soulful Journey
Their marriage had everything in perfection. Love at its place. Travis was doing well with his business but the only thing that Connie was not exactly irritated but upset about was that her husband was not exactly the same Travis she had loved. He was no longer interested in grooming himself and kept an untidy and irregular beard. What might have been the reason for him to do so?
The Reason

Travis was a wonderful partner. He made sure that he spent enough time with his family. Gave them whatever they desired but after so many years of marriage and relationship with Connie, Travis no more felt the need of grooming himself. He was sure that his wife would love him no matter what. He was not exactly the same always. When he first met Connie, he made sure that he was well-groomed because he wanted to impress the lady he loved but as time passed he lost his will to groom himself.
Connie’s Exasperation

Though she never made it evident, Connie was still waiting for her husband to sense her desire and trim that beard off. She was not happy about her husband’s new look for several reasons. Her deepest desire was to see a make over.
That Beard, It Needs To Go

The beard dominated Travis’ face so much that his smile was hardly visible. Connie was only tall enough to receive a face full of beard when she expected a long hug. The beard would spoil the romance every time. Connie desperately wanted to get back to the man she fell in love with.
Getting On With It

It was evident that none of Connie’s requests were being heard and Travis was in no mood to remove those bushy beards off his face. She had finally understood that she would never be able to see her husband’s beardless face again and she learned to live with it. She did not insist on shaving the beard off anymore.
His Look Matched His Profession

One of the major reasons why Travis was reluctant to trim off the beard was that he felt that his look complemented his profession and believed that it was one of the main reasons behind the success he had achieved in the business. Travis is from Atalanta, Georgia and was into a profession that he had a knack for.