Inspiring People

Jacob was applauded by everyone for his courage and honesty. The sincerity he possesses is rare to find these days. He was stranded with no food in a truck full of food, yet he chose to honor his boss’s expectations and his duty as an employee and didn’t eat anything. Having survived such extreme weather conditions by himself for 4 days was incredible. 

A New Perspective

Jacob was never one of those who take their family for granted, and he was always thankful for what he had. But after this incident, he was a new man. He cherished everything he had. His wife, kids, a roof over his head and a warm bed to sleep in. Going through something so severe puts things into perspective for you. You start to see the bigger picture in life and appreciate the little things.


Man can live without food for about forty days, about three days without water, about eight minutes without air, but only for one second without hope. And Jacob did not lose hope. Even when every cell in his body told him to. He kept going and that is what helped him reach home. Courage is often derived from fear. For Jacob, the fear of never seeing his family again was enough to keep him alive for 4 days without food and water in such harsh conditions.

Survival Heroes

Life is fragile and can be remarkably tough. There is an end to the horrible situations humans can find their ways into nor an end to what they can do to get out of it. With a whole lot of determination and luck, humans have been capable of enduring unrealistic episodes. Jacob’s story is an inspiration for all. His strength to get through something so harsh and his instinct of not giving up on his principles is commendable, to say the least.