Not Giving Up

Jacob was starting to regret his decision of taking this delivery. If he had said no, none of this would be happening. He couldn’t help but feel helpless. He was missing the warmth of his bed. The faces of his kids and wife were appearing in front of his eyes. He decided this can’t be the end for him. He is going to see his family again. He took a few more sips of water to clear his head.
Status QUO

Jacob chose to lock the truck before leaving, not that there was anyone in sight who could break-in. As he was about to lock up the truck, he thought about how he lost control of the truck and the truck almost tipped over. He determined he should probably check on the status of the cargo loaded in the trailer. While the truck would not budge, Jacob was able to open the storage trailer with all the cartons.
The Cargo

Jacob pulled out one of the huge but strangely light cartons he was going to deliver. He peeled back the packaging and pulled back the lid of the box. As he opened the box, his eyes scanned the contents of the package. Potato Chips. A lifetime supply of them. Jacob’s stomach grumbled, his mouth full of saliva. He was starving and it wasn’t as evident as this moment with these cartons in front of him.
Gut VS Mind

Jacob’s mind was telling him to put it right back to where it was. His gut, on the other hand, was roaring with hunger. Jacob knew his boss trusted him to deliver the shipment intact. Eating any of it, even a few crumbs, would go down as a total betrayal of his duties. His stomach whined in protest as he put the box back and closed the trailer.
Into The Wild

Jacob determined he should at least start walking away from here, who knows there might be a rest stop a few miles away. So after locking his truck, he braced himself and trudged into the harsh winter. He didn’t know where he was headed but he knew it will be better than sitting around and waiting for help.
Ungracious Conditions

Jacob had to walk in knee-deep snow for days. He ran out of the water and had to drink melted snow. He slept under pine trees in freezing conditions. But even now there were no signs of civilization to be found. His hope was slowly burning out, he didn’t think he will make it long enough for anyone to help him. The days were slightly better than nights. He had light and a little warmth to help him hike for longer than he could at night.