Leaving Portland

Jacob put the truck in reverse and pulled out of the parking lot. He had almost six to seven hours of the journey ahead of him. The only thing he had packed was his cellphone, headsets, a pocket knife and two bottles of water. He did not pack any food thinking there will be plenty of rest stops where he will have to stop for fuel so he will grab a bite there.

Portland was a beautiful city, with its green parks, rivers and snow-capped mountains on its horizons. He has lived here for all his life and never once felt the need to move to some other place. This city was his home and every corner had a memory attached to it. Jacob wondered where all this nostalgia was coming from? It is not like he is leaving forever, its just a delivery trip.
On The Road

Once Jacob reached the highway, driving on the snowy road became quite difficult. Despite the freezing weather, beads of sweat rolled down Jacob’s face. Keeping the steering wheel steady was becoming more and more challenging as the miles passed by. He had heard too many stories about reckless drivers losing control and found dead on the side of highways. He didn’t plan on being one of them.
The GPS Glitch

The snowfall was still heavy, covering up the icy tracks his truck left on the road. Jacob had never traveled to Nyssa before but even he could tell that the road didn’t seem right for some reason. He decided to check the GPS again and realized to his horror that he had entered the wrong address. His heart started racing, how could he be so careless. He quickly entered the correct address and began understanding the way.
The New Route

The sky was a dark shade of blue now, the snow was still falling hard. The wipers of Jacob’s truck were moving frantically over the windscreen. To get to Nyssa, he needed to get off the highway and take a detour on a service road. From that point, he was on the windiest road he had ever seen. The roads had sharp turns, and the pine trees were dense letting little to no light through.
The Accident

Jacob drove his truck on the slippery road, wheels spinning momentarily before regaining friction. Peering at the signs ahead, he was not even halfway through. By this speed, there is no way he is making his way back home by tonight. All of a sudden, a sharp turn appeared ahead on the road. Jacob slammed the breaks with all his might and lost control of the truck.