Others Should Know
Lacey thought about posting her story and what happened with Elianna online. She said, “I contemplated whether or not this was worth posting, and at the end of the day, I am where I am because of something another Dad posted sometime last year. If I can even help save one child, this is worth it for me.” It was the knowledge of nature of Frankie’s death that led Lacey to take quick action and maybe, reading her blog some other parent is able to help their kid in time.
Writing A Letter
Obviously, Lacey was grateful to Frankie’s family from Texas for making the story of their child public. It actually saved the life of her daughter because it also made the doctors aware of the rare possibility of ‘dry drowning’. An emotional Lacey said,”I thank my lucky stars that I read that article of the little boy. I will find that article and write that Dad a letter, I promise you. I would have never taken her to the urgent care without that and God only knows how this would have ended.”
Making A Difference

Keeping her promise, Lacey made sure to reach out to Frankie’s family. She expressed her gratitude to them for sharing their experience. If they hadn’t, Lacey would not have been able to avert the tragedy that knocked at her child’s door. She even got a reply from Frankie’s sister which said, “Something with your story is making us cry. We miss Frankie every day. We do everything we can to get his story out there to prevent this from happening. We’re glad to see it’s making a difference.”
Go Fund Me
When Lacey’s friends and coworkers got to know that Elianna was suffering from Aspiration Pneumonia, Perihilar Edema, and Chemical Pneumonitis the set up a GoFundMe page for her. She realized the massive amount of medical bills that Lacey would be receiving after the treatment of her daughter. And they instantly raised enough amount for their present. Elianna is currently at home, recovering and the video ahead shows her recovery.
Share For Others
Even though dry drowning occurs rarely but when it does it can claim lives, like it did in the case of Frankie. If they had known anything about it earlier they might have saved their little boy. But they did not want something similar to happen to any other kid so they shared their story and the alert and vigilant parent Lacey is, she read it and it actually came handy in saving the life of her daughter. If kids go through any illness that is rare parents should share their experiences as it ends up helping someone, somewhere as Lacey says in the video ahead.
Story From Her Mouth
Here is Lacey and a recovering Elianna telling their story together. One can see that Lacey was freaked out about the whole incident and how thankful she is to the Texas family to have shared their experience. It was they who made her want to share her daughter’s ordeal too and hopefully it would help save many other lives.