Parents’ Hard Work
Far from their homeland, Gabriel’s parents were working hard to earn a stable living in the new country. His father used to visit them once in every couple of months as he was usually posted for work on the outstations, meanwhile, his mother was working parttime at two places every day even on weekends.
Neglected Child
As both of his parents were busy earning, Gabriel was often left at the daycares or with a baby sitter. Without any other sibling to share his feelings, Gabriel felt neglected throughout his childhood. Life as a child was tough for him yet he grew up to be a wise and sensible man.
The Choice To Stay
After graduating from an Australian University, Gabriel always had the choice to move to back to Germany, his homeland. However, he chose to stay in Australia as this country started to feel like home. He didn’t want to spend a life struggling to settle like his parents.
The Woman Of His Life

Gabriel was confused about his future prospects when he met a woman named Pamela. She was the one who made him bury will his childhood grudges and look past it. Her glowing smile made it all easier for Gabriel and her wise suggestions showed him the right direction. Gabriel finally made up his mind to study further and become an accountant.
Keeping Her Forever
During the late 1970s, Pamela and Gabriel decided to get married. Gabriel started to work as a shopfitter and continued his studies at the same time. No matter how much he loved his newlywed wife, he quickly understood that he got into marriage at a very young age. At times, he got this feeling like marriage was a huge mistake for them, he continued with marriage life calmly though.
Paternal Instincts
Pamela and Gabriel soon became the parents of two kids; Stephen and Jennifer. It was with the birth of their kids, that the Nagy family felt complete and peaceful. Yes, they too had their ups and downs which they learned to handle easily now. Gabriel was hopeful about his family’s future but least aware of the actual incident that was about to change the Nagy family’s life completely.