Posting Online
When they couldn’t find a perfect owner for Charlie Bravo, they thought about posting the news online which might help them in finding an owner. So they put the news on every social media platform with a thought that this would help them in their quest. Even after a lot of speculations and evaluations too, they failed to provide Charlie Bravo, a new house. What would they do now?
While they were busy finding another home they failed to notice that Charlie Bravo unexpectedly came closer to everyone in the family, even the dogs. The mere thought of giving her away would cause ache in their hearts. So after having a big conversation on the dinner table they decided to adopt the pooch and take care of her as just like the other pets they had in their house.
Though they thought to post the news online was a waste of time, the aftermath surprised them all. Within no time the news went viral but now the family was in no mood to give away the apple of their eye to anyone else. So they had to refuse the potential owners that showed interest in the pooch. And what the people did afterward was another big surprise!
Generous People
The potential owners then found another way to help the pooch and they all started to donate money for the pooch hospital bill. The family was obliged to see people’s generosity. Soon with the treatment and thousands of prayers, Charlie Bravo gained back her health and looked more fit than ever. When the family shared this news people excitedly congratulated them.
Even after Charlie Bravo had recovered fully, the funds still continued to come in and they had no idea as to what was to be done with the funds. They tried to post the same online still, the funds came with utmost sincerity. So the family came with the idea to donate the rest of the money to nearby animal shelters in the Little Rock area.
Safe Home
It was unbearable to think about the situation the little pooch was kept in and it was dreadful to think how a person could just desert a dog in the middle of the field so heartlessly. Luckily the father and the son took the same road and saved the pooch but still, there were numerous pooches deserted by their owners who needed help.