Rushed Before Time
On November 19, 1997, Bobbi and Kenny hurried to the hospital, 9 weeks before the due date. Her waist was 55 inches which almost twice of a full 40-week size. She could barely move and Mikayla was in the hospital room with Bobbi. Even the doctors were prepared with a huge team.
A Team
By the time Bobbi and Kenny reached the hospital, a team of 40 specialists was waiting for the couple to arrive. In a delivery room, filled with 40 experts, Bobbi and Kenny, everyone expected 7 healthy infants in the room. But this was the most crucial moment. All kids were supposed to be born safely, even after so many people around, no one was certain that all the seven kids will be delivered and live and the mother will be healthy.
In The Position
When Bobbi sat in the position, her belly was almost touching her knees. Mikayala, her daughter was in the room too for some time. It was a historic moment as the country wanted to know if the mother and her little ones are safe or not. What was next for them was another shock.
Chaotic Or Not?
It was a historic moment for all the doctors, and the process miraculously “was not chaotic”. All the seven kids were born in less than 6 minutes. The kids were brought to life by a C-section operation and everyone was emotional. The delivery was not at all complicated compared to what everyone was thinking. Although the kids were breathing, the next couple of days were unpredictable.
Bundles Of Joy
Out of the seven kids, four were boys and three were girls. Bobbi and Kenny already had a list of names they liked and in the order of their birth, they were named as Kenny Jr., Alexis, Natalie, Kelsey, Nathan, Brandon, and Joel. All the babies were kept under observation of the doctors. Even Bobbi was kept in the hospital for a few days.
A Warning
After knowing their story, the three of the surviving Dionne quintuplets sisters, who lived mysterious lives, wrote an open letter to the McCaugheys, “We hope your children receive more respect than we did. Their fate should be no different from that of other children. Multiple births should not be confused with entertainment, nor should they be an opportunity to sell products.” The Dionne sisters were the first recorded surviving quintuplets just like the McCaugheys were first recorded surviving septuplets.