What She Said
She asked them, “If it would be okay with them if she took the baby for a little walk down the aisle of the passenger jet?” Whitney looked at her husband quizzically. Whitney grew suspicious at first. She revealed later that she was unsure about giving her daughter to the stranger attendant. She said, “first thought in my head was ‘umm a stranger wants to walk my screaming child up and down the aisle?!?!”
It’s Uncomfortable
However, the baby was still crying that was causing much disturbance to the nearby passengers. So having no choice in hand, she gave her baby to the flight attendant. The woman held the baby in her arms and began walking away from them.
She turned back. The name of the flight attendant was Ashley. She was walking the kid up and down the aisle. And soon the baby stopped crying. Whitney was surprised by the kind gesture of the attendant. She said, “I was amazed someone wanted to help like that.”
It was nothing short of a miracle for them. The baby who had been crying constantly calmed down instantly after being soothed by the attendant. Whitney was moved by Ashley’s act of kindness. She said, “When she was soothing her, it melted my heart seeing her smiling and talking to her.” It was a beautiful sight to watch.
Thankful To Her
Whitney remarked, “Now it may not seem like a lot but the experience was amazing.” “Never would I ever think someone would ever do that, volunteer to take your screaming child, but she did.” she added. Indeed very few people come forward to help someone voluntarily and that flight attendant happened to be one of them.
Not Something Small
This small act of kindness meant the world to Kennedi’s parents. They wondered what would have happened had the flight attendant not offered to help. Not only she saved the Poyntz from further embarrassments but also helped other passengers who were troubled by the noise.