Belongings Of A Woman
Most of the items found in the room seemed to be the possession of children and a woman. They saw many kids’ toys, also handbag of a woman. Along with that, they also got their hands on a letter and a curler. You might call it strange but the really weird item was yet to surface.
The Purpose
Was this room used by some woman and children? Did they use it to hide? There were a lot of questions staring directly in the face of the Bushs. But would they ever be able to find out the answer to these questions?
A Letter
Most of the letters had faded with their sides tattered but there was one that appeared intact. They picked it up to see who was it addressed to. It was to see where their journey was going to take them.
To A Business
The letter was addressed to a business named “Melaleuca: The Wellness Company.” It happens to be an online wellness company that works by providing a number of health products to the customers. The company is based out of Idaho Falls. But the question was why this letter was kept inside the house.
Not That Harmful
As far as this disaster is concerned, Britanny was happy that it did not lead to much harm. The occurrence of sinkholes often causes devastation. Thankfully, here the sinkhole turned out to be in the garage where no one was around. They had to solve the mystery at any cost.
Safe And Secured
As the incident had happened in their own house, they had to make sure that they were safe and secured. What if another calamity would hit them. Luckily for them, they were secured. In order to evaluate the scene, Britanny’s husband called an insurance agent who came along with an engineer.