Too Much Perfume

A sniff and the amount of perfume he breathed was enough to make him reach the conclusion that whoever packed it made sure that they were packed in a way that no one should find about them or what was inside of them.

At once the security agents arrested Ippolit. Now the question was that what was inside those bags. The security agents thought that it was a regular case of smuggling and the bags might contain some regular contraband like drugs or jewelry. But all their expectations were about to meet a shocking realization.

The security agents upon opening those small bags started to regret as to why did they stop Ippolit in the first place. The agents found that the bags were filled with LEECHES. And there were thousands of them.
Illegally Imported?

According to the security agents, there were more than a thousand leeches and all of them alive and squirming. The mode of transport had been suspicious and their packaging made it more suspicious than it already was. But the agents weren’t quite sure that the leeches were illegally imported.
What Next?

Now the security agents had to find out more about the leeches but they did not have any expertise in that matter. Therefore the agents decided that they would have to contact an expert and ask them for answers as they did not have any clue.
Contacting Experts

They contacted the experts at the Royal Ontario Museum and the American Museum of Natural History. Now using all the technology that was available to the experts, the zoologists had to analyze the breed of the leeches and whether they were bred or caught.