New Life

Bennie Wint Story

Today, Bennie Wint has a wife and a teenage son whom he named William James Sweet Jr. He is living in Marshall, North Carolina with Sonya Tull Jones. He has been asked to keep a low profile by the authorities since his secret was out now. Only the police know the whole truth. The media couldn’t confirm the story as he never came forward to tell the story in his own words.

Real Paranoia

He ran from the world he was scared of to create a world where wouldn’t be scared. Though it might seem like he was successful in his plan, in reality, it was far from being a success. Though he managed to start a new life and family, still there was so much to be afraid of. He couldn’t move out of the house as there was media everywhere. He was still living in fear.

Living In Seclusion

Bennie Wint Story

Bennie has been approached by several news channels to confirm the story but he has declined the offer until they are willing to pay appropriate fiscal returns. He has said he wouldn’t waste his time if there was nothing worth getting from it as he has to support his new family. He doesn’t want to live in seclusion forever. He wants to be free and freedom comes with a cost.

The Case

When the case reached the courts even the judge was surprised to see a man who was able to fool everybody for 20 years. Our justice system works on one thing, evidence. He confessed his crime and the judge found nothing wrong in the case speaking in terms of evidence. He was set free with just one charge.

No Other Charges

Bennie Wint Story

He was charged with the traffic misdemeanors only. They didn’t charge him for faking his own death. He was asked to remain in seclusion for sometime and after that period of his life he came out with some interesting story about his past life which again shocked the world.

Double Life

Bennie also went back to his old life to set things right for once as his secret was out in open now. There was no need for hiding. He wanted to come clean in front of his old family so that they could breathe a new life once again. He knew how hard the past 20 years might have been for Patricia and his little daughter who wasn’t little anymore.