Was It A Valid Reason?
“His salary is nearing a six-figure sum and he’s usually very generous. Having seen the receipt I know he paid £1,300 for it – which is a lot less than I would have imagined he would have spent on such a significant piece of jewelry,” the woman mentioned in the post. As she posted this message and made it visible to the entire public, comments started pouring in instantly.
Desperate For Answers
The woman ended her post with questions like, “Has anyone else been in this situation? What did you do?” The woman was desperate and unhappy, she wanted to know the answers and the first thing she did was to post her story. Sadly, the reactions she received from the users were not at all sympathetic. Majority of people had the same thing to say to her.
How To Break The News?
She was facing the most dilemmatic situation of her life. She wanted to know a good way to tell her fiancé about her disliking of the ring. Yes, she didn’t want to hurt him but she couldn’t keep him unaware about what she thought of the ring.
Afraid And Confused
The woman was wondering if it was some of his office colleagues who gave him some advice like “if she makes it all about the ring, then she’s not the girl for you”. How could her fiancé listen to anyone’s advice just like that when she was the one who was supposed to wear it for the rest of her life?
The Responses Roll In
One of the users blamed the woman of forgetting the whole point of a proposal. The point of a proposal is that someone is willing to spend the rest of his life with her and the woman seemed to have forgotten it completely. Once the post was getting shared, there was no stopping of the users’ comments on it.
Size Doesn’t Matter
Not everyone had the same point of view. A woman came up with sympathetic feelings for the woman. She justified her reasons and said that it was relatable for her too. Was it actually about the money or the emotions?