Keeping It Anonymous
She made a new account and it was an anonymous post as she didn’t want her fiancé to hear of it. This was her way to be sure about what will be the majority’s take in this situation. Well, this simple post made her do some searching which increased her confusions. She couldn’t be more ungrateful after her recent findings.
Too Small?
The post which was deleted after some time, she mentioned: “DP (dear partner) proposed and presented me with the ring he’d chosen – a diamond solitaire in white gold. I was so happy and excited to accept but was disappointed when I first saw the ring. The first word that entered my head was ‘small’.”
Rings Are Expensive
When talking about weddings, rings are one of the first things on everyone’s mind. According to a recent study, more than $32,000 are spent on wedding rings by couples on an average. Wedding ring is still a later thing, the engagement rings are not far behind in the competition. After all, the ring is bought with the hope that the girl will be wearing it throughout her life.
The Great Depression Ploy
Engagement rings are significant and almost a necessity these days to take the relationship to the next level. The concept of engagement rings originated during the Great Depression by South African jewelry company, De Beers as a method of a marketing ploy. No wonder, why this woman too wanted the right kind of ring for herself.
One Month’s Salary
Men were suggested to spend their one month’s salary to buy a stunning ring for their beloved as a commitment to their relationship. This was a kind of financial commitment which worked to win not only the ladies’ hearts but also their parents’ trust. Women have always been fond of bright jewelry and men know it well.
A Back Story
So, what could have been the reason that her fiancé chose to give her a ring she didn’t like? And why didn’t the woman just settle with the idea of a small ring? What made her expect a huge costly ring? There was a back story behind all this and the ring was the origin of it.