Scared Of Him
The family still continued feeding Little Black for next year. By the time he turned 2, the dog was 3 feet tall and was weighing more than 250 pounds. He was way bigger than the other dogs. The kids and even Su Mou used to get scared of him sometimes. This was weird because no matter how big a dog grew, they love to be treated like babies, but Little Black seemed to grow a little more dominating. This wasn’t all, as there were more unusual things to happen.
Odd Features
As Little Black was growing, his features were changing too. His teeth grew bigger than usual. Su was still thinking that the reason behind it was his extra large size that he had those huge sharp teeth. This was bothering her but not as much the other facts.
Standing On Hind Legs
What was really bothering her was that Little Black used to stand on his hind legs instead of using his paws to walk. Instead of struggling while trying to stand, Little Black, looked so comfortable in that posture as if he was born with it just like humans.
Not Cool Anymore

At first, everyone was amused to see Little Black growing bigger than other dogs, but when they walked in the backyard and saw him walking on his hind legs, they couldn’t help but get terrified and worried about the kids.
Su never noticed that she never heard Little Black barking. In the beginning, they all thought that he was just scared and a silent little pooch but as he grew Little Black started to roar and growl. With every passing month, he started to look less of a dog and more of something wild. Su stated, “The more he grew, the more like a bear he looked,”
Far From Being A Dog
Su and her family eventually faced the reality that Su wasn’t a pet dog but a wild bear. Although everyone was emotionally attached to the dog, they were scared of the fact that he could anytime show his wild side which can even cost them their family’s life. Little Black was already too big to be handled, and Su was clueless with what should be done next.