Conditions Applied
Su Mou told her kids that she was ready to adopt the pup if the kids will agree to take him out for a walk on daily basis, bathe him on weekly basis, and take the responsibility of its food and all. Out of excitement, the kids instantly agreed to their mom’s terms and conditions. And Su too was happy to see that her kids were happy. So, this is how the Mou family added a new member to their home and to their family.
Welcome ‘Little Black’
Su and her family were returning home with a pup they just named ‘Little Black’ as he had thick black fur and even darker eye color. They were all excited but unaware as to what will happen in the short span of two years.
Black Tibetan Mastiff
Su felt like it was a black Tibetan Mastiff, popularly known as the Himalayan Dog. No doubt he became kids’ favorite among the neighborhood. Su Mou took him out and gave him a few months time to get familiar with his new surroundings, which he did.
Found In Abundance
Tibetan Mastiff is the species one can find in abundance in the country, especially in the rural areas. Several years ago, this breed was said to be one of the most desired as well as most expensive dog breeds but they have become a big issue in the Qinghai Province these days. There were more than 500 stray mastiffs in the area a couple of years back.
Eating Expert
Definitely, dogs enjoy eating but little Black enjoyed eating more than the rest. He was always hungry. It looked like a result of the deficiency that the pup might have faced throughout his early age before the family adopted him. So far, everything seemed to be normal but that’s not how it was going to be after some time.
Impressive Improvement
Everyone was glad to see the instant improvement in the pup’s health. When they brought him home, he was a little weak pup but as soon as Su Mou started giving him a good healthy diet, he quickly started to gain weight.