Meowing at her belly
The great thing about owning pets is that they can react in a variety of ways and they can adapt to what they are being settled into. Another thing that Jennifer noticed it that Luna wasn’t aggressive nor angry about the changes to her owner and the idea of hopefully getting a fruitful relationship between her cat and baby in the future was all she could hope for.

Then one day when Luna finally noticed that Jennifer was pregnant she started meowing at Jennifer’s belly repeatedly. Imagine seeing your pet pay so much attention to only one part of your body. It seems fishy and unexpected. Luna did not seem happy with the pregnancy, she started to act really weird. Jennifer got really scared of this strange behavior.
In need of answers
The choice of whether or not they would be keeping their cat or not was rummaging through their brain. They either lose a valued part of the family or they endanger the life of their precious gift. No one has the easy task of making this decision and for Jennifer it wasn’t a walk in the park either, but she had to choose.
They could not figure out what was triggering this behavior. Did Luna feel threatened or was there something wrong with the baby that Luna could feel? Could Luna handle the fact that her owners will now divide their attention between her and their new baby? Jennifer had to get answers, and quickly before it would be too late.
Going to the vet
Since not everyone can easily decipher what would be going through the brain of an animal the best solution would be to bring Luna to professionals to seek these answers. Not because these doctors can easily tell what’s going through Luna’s mind, but they have a clearer picture of how to adapt to the situation.

Jennifer asked Julian to take Luna to the veterinarian. They had to absolutely make sure that nothing was going on with Luna before they would need to choose between the baby or the cat. The choice was not only going to affect the couple, but it would also affect the emotional turmoil their beloved pet would have to go through.
Not an easy choice
You can ask any pet owner whether or not letting go of their beloved pet was an easy decision and they would burst into tears or explain to you how impossible it is. Neither of the options were in line with what Jennifer would want to put her family through, let alone go through as an individual.

That choice would not be easy, but deep down they knew that if they had to choose they would definitely choose to bring Luna to a shelter if she could not accept the baby, this was to keep their daughter safe at all times. However, the vet could not bring clarity, instead of giving them a concrete answer they were left even deeper in the dark.
Medical checks
First of all, cats never like doctor visits, secondly, there isn’t an easy way to understand what a cat is going through. Vets will usually notice behavioral aspects of a pet or would pin point terminal conditions, however, they aren’t masters at reading emotions, especially tantrums and erratic behavior.

He did some medical checks to see if the cat was okay, there was nothing wrong. He told Julian that she must be feeling something that is going on with the baby. There was something wrong with the cat, but there was also something they needed to get to the bottom of. He advised Julian to take Jennifer to the hospital for some checkups.
Freaking out
Like any other owner, the first thing you would do when you are faced with such a situation would be to freak out. You have no control over your emotions either and having no answer to what you can do next just amplifies the pressure. You don’t want to deal with loss, but you don’t want to handle dangerous situations either.
When Julian brought the news to Jennifer she started crying. She felt like everything was wrong, Luna had probably noticed something that was going on with the baby. Maybe, Luna has a sixth sense that goes beyond what the couple was capable of assessing. Jennifer mustered up all of her courage to call her doctor. He told her to come in immediately.