
In the last three years, Helinski had never felt so happy. His ordeal that spanned for three years was finally coming to an end. The man was extremely thankful for Inman. The man explained, “He went beyond the call of duty.”

Unexpected Turn Of Events

The old man himself was a mystery. The officer and Inman had managed to find a lot about the old man but still, they were unfamiliar to one aspect of his life. This man had something in his past that the duo had not expected ever.    

About To Give Up

Helinski had given up all the hopes before his case came under officer McDonald. These three years had stripped him of his confidence, faith, and hopes. His grim situation had taken the best of him. He recalled, “People would just walk past me and ignore me.”       

Amazing Discovery

As Inman and McDonald proceeded with their investigation, they stumbled upon an interesting fact about the man. The man had not told them anything about it. They wondered why did he keep them in the dark. It was such an important detail.  

The Confrontation

It was time to confront the old man. They had a number of questions on their mind. They had been struggling to find his identity for a long time and not for once did he tell them about that particular deed that he had done years ago.

An Account

Amazingly, Helinski owned a bank account. He had made his account in a Tampa Bank. The name of the bank had changed over the years. At the time when the man had made his account, it was named Landmark Bank but over the years it changed to Bank Of America.