No Other Option

It was then the caseworker decided to pursue this case with all his heart and soul. He said, “There was no other option but to succeed.” “You know, the thought of putting a 62-year-old man back on the street wasn’t acceptable,” he added further. 

An Unlikely Lifeline

The mission of Inman soon became the mission of a police officer Dan McDonald when the former told the cop the story of the homeless man. And just like Inman, he refused to give up because of the problem of the lack of documentation. He said, “I like a challenge,”   

Detective Skills Come Out

As mentioned earlier, Helinski had taken birth in Poland. However, he was a U.S. citizen. McDonald said, “First we had to figure out that we needed a consular record.” They had finally found it and now was the time to take another step. 


After finding out that he is a U.S. citizen the duo samaritans helped him getting a driver’s license along with a social security card. The man who spent three years of his life as no one finally had an identity.   

All At Best

McDonald too was putting his best efforts to help Helinski. He said, “First, I drove him personally to the local tax collector’s office, where he was able to get a temporary State of Florida ID card.”

One Step Closer

They had successfully done away with one of the obstacles. Very soon the homeless man would get his identity back. This is what the homeless man, Inman, and McDonald were hoping. The duo had gained lots of confidence by this little success. However, still, there was a lot to do.