A Family Woman
Lauren Buteau had two children to take care of. Hannah her bestie used to babysit them for her and so did Lauren. They had this understanding of everything among themselves. That’s how friends are, right? You stand by them in times of need and they stand there for you. But April 25th, 2017 seemed to be wrong since morning and what happened after made the day unforgettable for both of the ladies’ families in the most miserable manner.
Short-Time Lived Good News
“She loved (the TV show) ‘Dog the Bounty Hunter.’ As soon as she heard the music she would get to the TV just to see it. It was the funniest thing you ever saw,” Judy recalled her grandbaby’s playful nature. When A’lannah was 9 months old, Hannah got to know that she was pregnant again and she told her boyfriend who was ready to take the responsibility of the new life that was about to be welcomed in the world. The problem wasn’t whether they want to have another baby or not but something more complicated than that.
Crawling Baby
A’lannah was growing fast. Since she learned to crawl she used to wriggle everywhere around the room. She wasn’t ready to stay in one place at all. At this time she needed to be watched all day and night long. Javont’e and Hannah used to look after their princess in shifts. The young family seemed already very busy but the news of the new one coming in was yet to be acknowledged.
Financially Unstable
They were not rich enough to take care of two babies. But Hannah and Javont’e were ready to work hard to save enough for their future. They wanted to have this baby whether it takes from them to work in double shifts. They were planning for a happy beginning without being aware of the reality that was never going to let this happen.
A New Addition Was Coming
Hannah told Lauren that she was pregnant, she was so overloaded with joy to hear the news. That they went out to celebrate it. Every day is a memorable one when you have a friend like Lauren on the side. They’ve been together for so long that now they knew each other’s likes and dislikes the pros and cons. For the same reason, Hannah asked Lauren to accompany her that morning.
One Terrible Day
Right after Hannah told the good news to her bestie, she asked her for a favor. She wanted her to come along with next Tuesday. Lauren after looking if she has any other plans said yes. They were to meet early morning have breakfast together and then get going. Sadly, they were never going to make it back home.