
When Rodica was fourteen years in age, she was searching for some papers in her parents’ wardrobe and then she came across her adoption papers. She then also saw the documentary and edited it into a short film, adding certain experiences and feelings she went through, not knowing that it will mark a significant impact in her future.


The young sisters have grown into beautiful women. They are in their twenties. Sophie Rodica is pursuing her career in photography. Her editing the movie when she was young was the incident which made her firm about doing something in this field. And her sister is no different and has different ambitions in life.


Danielle is also all-grown-up and was pursuing her bachelor’s degree. Due to different field of study, the sisters had their own personal lives but still stayed in touch. They were always grateful to Ron and Natalie for providing them with such a life. However, the girls too were curious about their past.

Nostalgic About Romania

Though the girls had no reason to travel back to Romania as Ron and Natalie had given them a life which was far from there. But even today the sisters, travel to that country in order to find about their past life and in hopes of getting any clue about their remaining six siblings who they knew exists but where they didn’t know…