Unusual Tantrums
After a while, this little kid who was with this young man started crying. A kid crying on a bus isn’t something Tim hasn’t seen before. Kids are very moody and he has seen kids throwing all sort of tantrums inside the bus and you can’t do anything as they are just kids. Even Tim didn’t give it much attention but then he saw things in a different angle and surprisingly things weren’t the way he thought it was.
The Little Boy
Usually, kids start crying and then after a while, they stop. This time it was different. This little kid cried for the rest of the trip of which Tim had no idea of where they were even going. And what was surprised Tim the most was that the other guy who was with this little kid wasn’t even trying to comfort the kid. He was lost in his thoughts and didn’t leave his hands for a single moment and held it very tightly. Now, why is that?
Making Small Talk
Tim could see other passengers’ frustration over this little kid’s continuous crying. He was watching everything through a rear view. One of the passengers even asked the little boy if he was okay. It was the young man who answered to that and the boy didn’t even look up to see who the passenger was. The little boy kept crying with his head down.
He Responded
The young man who seemed to be back to his senses urged the little boy to stop crying and sleep till they reach their destination. Tim could sense the tone when he said that to the little kid which he personally didn’t like it. You should never talk to a kid like that as they are very fragile and if you tell them what’s wrong and what’s right with a proper explanation which they would be able to understand then they would listen to you no matter what.
Back To Work
It was hard for Tim to keep watching the duo from the rear view as passengers’ safety was his utmost priority. On every stop, people boarded and deboarded the bus. But that duo of strangers didn’t even look up to see which stop it was as people usually do nor did they even try to move from their seat. It was like they didn’t want to get down. But why? What was going on?
Just Three Of Them
At the next stop, all of the passengers got down except this duo. Tim had no clue as to what was even going on with this pair. He has had enough and asked the duo, where are you two going? No answer. He tried again, are you both alright? Tim asked. Still, no answer. Tim left them as they were because it was just the time when the bus would reach its last stop. But then, the little kid said something.